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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

10 Tips for Overcoming Mistakes and Obstacles as a Small Business Owner

Running a business is full of trial and error. So you’re sure to make plenty of mistakes. But if you can avoid mistakes that other entrepreneurs have made before you, your business will have a better chance of success. Here are some of the mistakes and challenges that members of the online small business community have made along with tips to rectify them.

Cut Content Bloat to Make Connections

More isn’t always more when it comes to your content. Sometimes, extra posts or ideas that aren’t as engaging can distract potential customers or bring in the wrong people. Cutting “content bloat” can actually help you make more valuable connections for your business, according to this TopRank Marketing post by Nick Nelson.

Get Your Business Off the Road to Nowhere

Sometimes, it can feel like you’re constantly working on your business without ever actually achieving anything of consequence. If this is the case, you may be on the road to nowhere. Gary Shouldis explores that concept in this 3Bug Media post and examines some of the signs businesses should look out for.

Fix Your Thin Content

If you have a bunch of content on your site that doesn’t provide a lot of value for visitors, you may be dealing with thin content that really doesn’t rank well online. To fix it, check out the tips in this eAskme post by Gaurav Kumar. Then see what members of the online small business community are saying here.

Consider Facebook Engagement Strategies

Do you have an actual strategy for engaging with followers on Facebook? Lots of businesses simply share content and hope for the best. But in this post, Ileane Smith offers some engagement strategies that can help you really make the most of your content on the platform.

Move Closer to One-to-One Personalization

Marketing to a huge group of consumers won’t get you as far as personalizing messages for each customer. But if you want to take advantage of today’s personalization options, you need some key data and systems in place. Kyle Henderick elaborates in this post on the Marketing Land blog.

Increase User Engagement to Improve Your SEO

When focusing on SEO, lots of businesses overlook one very important factor — user engagement. In this Search Engine Journal post, Carolyn Lyden explains why it’s so important and how it can make a major difference for your SEO strategy.

Choose the Right Member of Your Staff to Handle Your Online Presence

Your online presence can become a disaster if you trust the wrong member of your team to manage it. Determining who has the skills and dependability to run it might seem difficult for some businesses. But Ivan Widjaya of Biz Penguin has some tips to share in this post.

Break Out of a Blogging Rut with These Lifestyle Post Ideas

Constantly coming up with new ideas for your business’s blog can be tough. If you’re stuck in a rut or need some extra inspiration, here are some ideas from Janice Wald of Mostly Blogging. BizSugar members also offered thoughts on the post here.

Use These Social Media Video Marketing Tools

Does your social media strategy include video? If not, you’re really missing out on some key connection opportunities. To make the most of your video content online, here are some tools to help you create and share content, shared on the DIY Marketers blog by David Scott.

Aim for Lower Facebook Ad Frequency and a Higher Relevance Score

You don’t need to constantly create new Facebook ads just to increase your relevancy on the platform. If you want to make a bigger impact on Facebook without spending a ton of money all the time, read this Databox post by Jessica Greene.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:


This article, "10 Tips for Overcoming Mistakes and Obstacles as a Small Business Owner" was first published on Small Business Trends

from Million Dollar Business | Millionaire Mindset

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